"Sutler Will" Contact Info
(Big Will)

This year marks the 15th anniversary of our group and we invite you to have some fun and join us in portraying Company "G" of the 10th Pennsylvania.


Click to download PDF file. Print out, fill in, mail back to us. Please feel free to call us with any questions you may have.

Check our 2011 Schedule of Events link and come visit, ask questions, watch the events, and introduce yourselves.

Contact us by email or by calling one of our members. We will explain how simple it can be to get you started as a private in the infantry. We will also send you information and an application. Call now to participate in the 2010 season... there's plenty of events happening this year.

In addition to our military company, we have a very active civilian membership for those who wish to portray the importance of the American citizen to the war effort.

Call Dave at 724-588-7546 for information, or email to
and we will get back to you quicker than Grant took Richmond!
Also, you are invited to stop in at our monthly meeting and meet some good Yankees.
•When: Second Sunday of each month at 1:15pm.
•Where: Mercer County Historical Society, S.Pitt Street in Mercer, PA.

Flash drill... it get's rather academic so if you have any suggestions or corrections please let me know - mike

Company Drill-Test File 1

Company Drill-Test File 2

Company Drill-Test-Firings

Company Drill-Skirmish